
In 2022, the QCC Release Conference of YES Excellence System of ADHD Shares was successfully held!

As a think tank and mobilization meeting to strengthen quality management, the conference was highly supported and valued by the group headquarters and subsidiaries. Mr. Lu Zhenyu, Chairman of ERA. Shares, Mr. Ji Xiong, General Manager of ERA. Shares, Mr. Zhang Xiankang, Deputy General Manager of ERA. Shares, Mr. Huang Jian, Deputy General Manager of ERA. Shares, Mr. Liu Lingfeng, Lean Advisor, and Mr. Hu Shipeng attended the conference.

The meeting was also attended by leaders of all centers of the Group, factory directors of all production bases in Huangyan, representatives of subsidiaries of the Group, leaders of all support departments, representatives of all workshops of the Group, all members of the Lean Department and colleagues of subsidiaries who participated in the video!

The theme of this QCC topic publishing conference is "improving quality and efficiency through scientific and technological innovation", which is the seventh topic publishing conference held in the Group. There are six agenda items, namely:

Mr. Zhang Yunfei, Director of the Production Management Center, read out the scoring criteria and suggested that the publishers should pay attention to the topic logic and the sharing of the improvement implementation process when publishing the topic.

I believe that all the participating departments have experienced every step of hard work in the early stage of the publication, and together they will bring together today's achievements. I wish all the teams participating in the publication of the topic can achieve outstanding results!

A total of 15 QCC topics participated in this publication, including on-site publication and video publication. The topics covered multiple topics such as energy consumption reduction, efficiency improvement and quality improvement. The publishers of each unit published the topics in turn according to the order of drawing lots, showing a full spirit.

Mr. Hu Shipeng, a lean consultant, introduced "standards and standardization" from more than 60 projects in 2022 for sharing, and encouraged everyone to "look back" after establishing standards:

1. Insist on "looking back" and strive for "excellence" in work

"Looking back" requires us to establish the concept of "there is no best, only better", to do our work carefully, adhere to high starting point planning, high standard promotion, high quality implementation, and work well and to achieve the goal of excellence, forging our "craftsmanship spirit".

2. Insist on "looking back" and strive for the "benefit" of work

"Looking back" requires us to have a deep understanding and grasp of the phased and overall situation of the work, and provide a basis and reference for the next stage of work. We should not hesitate, but fight a "protracted war", adhere to strict step by step and strict to the end, to ensure the effectiveness of lean work.

3. Insist on "looking back" and strive for "reality" of work

"Looking back" requires us to check and summarize frequently according to the objectives and requirements of the work, and take targeted measures to improve and solve the problems, so as to ensure that the improvement and innovation work is always carried out, and promote the end implementation of lean work.

The lean work and management by objectives in 2023 need everyone to strive to be more detailed, more specific, and accurately identify the nature of the problem, and find the "golden key" to implement, so as to adhere to improvement, continuous improvement, and achieve greater breakthrough results and operating benefits!

In this QCC topic publishing conference, the participating topics represent the improvement results of each grass-roots unit of the Group in the past year. The publishing personnel of each unit demonstrated their achievements from the aspects of "theme selection, phenomenon grasp, cause analysis, goal setting, countermeasure formulation, countermeasure implementation, result analysis, standardized management", presenting their own gains and showing a lean demeanor.

Finally, 16 judges jointly scored and publicized the scoring results in five rounds to select four awards, namely, the Excellence Award, the Gold Award, the Silver Award and the Bronze Award:

Mr. Lu Zhenyu, Chairman of ADHD, made a summary speech, emphasizing that in the process of skillfully using QCC management tools, as a manager, there are three kinds of breakthrough spirits:

1. The spirit of thinking breakthrough. As a tool that front-line production managers must master, QCC management tools have become more and more skilled after years of accumulation, and the hidden problems need us to break through the inherent thinking and dig deeply.

2. For the performance breakthrough spirit, managers should integrate lean management into their blood, strive to be the best when there is no competition or comparison, and make ordinary management excellent.

3. In the spirit of action breakthrough, we should constantly absorb experience and explore our own progress in implementing plans and actions. We should not only achieve good results, but also attach importance to the control of each process and work together.

Lean production has gone through 9 years so far. The introduction of QCC quality management circle has not only fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of all staff, but also created certain benefits for enterprises to improve quality and reduce costs. At the moment of the epidemic, the Lean Innovation Department has gathered the strength of its subsidiaries and group leaders to carry out various thematic activities around the quality theme. It is more meaningful than ever to hold a QCC conference at this time.

Although this year's QCC project has ended, the benefits brought by the project will continue. It is hoped that through this conference, all units can work together to integrate QCC management tools into the solution of on-site quality or management problems, so as to improve the quality of work, so as to ensure that our quality work always develops in a healthy direction, and make our due contributions to the goal of "building a century old enterprise".

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