
Clear goals, build confidence, and strengthen willpower!

The trainees and the workshop director first draw lots in turn, and share for 3 minutes according to the order of lottery. Make a comprehensive statement based on your own understanding and actual experience.

The trainees believe that a good leader can lead a good team, and how to become a good leader should have the ability to communicate, organize, and make decisions; he should also be able to understand his subordinates and delegate power to them; he should dare to take responsibility and learn more. The workshop director thinks that as a good manager, he must learn to affirm his subordinates and look for their bright spots; he must also learn to praise employees to make them valuable.

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what is a strong general
1. The strong general should guide the "direction", give the "method", and gather the "people's hearts".
2. Strong generals should be able to manage, talk and do, learn to do it for subordinates, take the lead in doing it, lead it, and teach subordinates to do it. You have to do it for yourself, match your words with your deeds, and understand how to do it.

how to become a strong general
1. Correct one's role cognition; the high-level strong must have decision-making power; the middle-level strong must have understanding; the grassroots strong must have execution power.
2. Possess the ability of time management, including the time management of subordinates, and more importantly, the time management of oneself.
3. Leaders should have a large structure, learn to share, and achieve others.
4. Strong generals need to establish their own image and create a spokesperson for the team image. Leaders need to be able to manage themselves.

Leaders should create a fair and just environment, give employees a platform for growth, and realize their self-worth.

How can we have no weak soldiers
1. The leader has a distinctive working style, which determines the working atmosphere.
2. Leaders dare to give employees the opportunity to do things, and also dare to give employees the opportunity to make mistakes.
3. Leaders should create a fair and just environment, give employees a platform for growth, and realize their self-worth.
4. Leaders should lead by example, and teaching by example is more important than precepts.

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